Sunrise, Vending Machines, Coffee & Love of Cameras

When I was young, shooting with film, I took many of these photos but threw most of them away as the years went by, something I regretted. The older I get I realize how important the little moments in life can become in our memories.

Sunrise, Vending Machines, Coffee & Love of Cameras
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Oct 29, 2022

The Little Moments in Life

I’ve started carrying my camera with me everywhere again, something I always did pre-covid. I’m a big believer in “the best camera is the one you have with you”, but I must admit there’s something familiar and comforting about holding my “real camera.”
Anyways, I plan to start sharing more of these types of photos from my life. I may even start posting on my Instagram channel again, something I did much more pre-covid.
When I was young, shooting with film, I took many of these photos but threw most of them away as the years went by, something I regretted. The older I get, the more I realize how important the seemingly insignificant moments in life can become in our memories. Okinawa has changed so much from my first time living here in the 80s, and I wish I had more of these photos to compare.
Vending machine at the entrance to a side street in Okinawa, Japan. Fuji X100v.
Vending machine at the entrance to a side street in Okinawa, Japan. Fuji X100v.
Sunrise over Awase, Okinawa, Japan. Fuji X100v.
Sunrise over Awase, Okinawa, Japan. Fuji X100v.
Coffee and a scone before cramming with homework for school. Fuji X100v
Coffee and a scone before cramming with homework for school. Fuji X100v
Below is a shot I took of my Fuji X100v. You know you have a special relationship with your camera when you constantly take photos of it. I’ve owned every version of the X100 since it was released in 2011. I posted a collage of all the X100 cameras I’ve owned over the years on Instagram a while back. Link below. I’ve also always wanted a Leica. I’ve been eyeing a Leica Q2 for some time now, but they’re pricey enough to make you pause. Someday, maybe.
My beloved Fuji X100v camera. Samsung S21 Ultra.
My beloved Fuji X100v camera. Samsung S21 Ultra.
Thanks for stopping by.
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